Sunday, September 30, 2012

Review Scale for Video Games

SO I realize that I haven’t posted anything in the last month and I’m sorry. Who knew that college actually involved work? But I’m trying to put up some game reviews since I am very behind on my movie releases. I've also got an album review, a look back on the two NFL lockouts, and my initial thoughts on my college and our school’s marching band in the works. Keep thy ears and eyes open.
            That being said below is my review scale for video games that I will be using for any game reviews. It is basically the same scale as my movie review scale so there’s nothing radical there. However the examples give a feeling as to how I judge games in the past and how I will side on future games. I’m only going to review games that I buy and while that may not seem like a lot know that I buy pretty much every big ‘blockbuster game’ that is released. So expect reviews for all the big ones plus some throwbacks here and there.

            Expect the Borderlands 2 review in a couple of days.


10 – Heaven on a Disk
The Pantheon of Video Games. A game that NEVER gets old and boring. One of those games that define the genre and make changes or improvements that will forever affect games in the future. A game that spawns thousands of copies after its release (for better or worse).
Example: Halo: CE, Resident Evil 4, TES V: Skyrim, God of War 1, KOTOR 1, Doom, GH 2, Rock Band
9 – Awesomeness in a Box
An amazing video game simply put. It doesn't make any genre changing improvements but is so good that no one cares. Go buy now!
Example: Fallout 3, Halo 3, COD 4: Modern Warfare, God of War 3, Resistance 1, GH Metallica
8 – Great Stuff Bro
A very good game that is not amazing but has enough to make it worth your time (and your 60 bucks). Nothing ground breaking but still classy.
Example: Borderlands, COD Black Ops, Any Madden game, Star Wars: Republic Commando
7 – Good Game/ The Obsidian Game
While there are some prevalent issues, the overall experience is still good enough to recommend. A little to clichéd and repetitive at times but overall is still enjoyable. Could also be a sequel that is nearly identical to its predecessor (or what I call an ‘Obsidian Game’) or a game that is too small for its price tag.
Example: Fallout New Vegas, KOTOR II, GH: World Tour, Halo 3: ODST
6 – Ok Man
In one word; passable. Ok. No more. No less.
Example: Darksiders 1
5 – Not Ok Bub
There are a handful of good things about it, but the numerous negatives out way what little good there is. Wait until you see it in a $20 bin.
Example: Dark Void
4 – Bad apple
A game that has too many negative qualities but has some good diamonds layered amongst crap.
Example: The Conduit
3- A worse purse
Simply put a bad and awful idea out of the gate. You might enjoy two maybe three sections from the game but overall it is an idea that should have been rejected.
Example: Most Wii games
2- Stepping on a Lego
It hurts to play this. A game that should only be used as an ‘Achievement Whore Game’ or to make a funny Let’s Plays out of.
Example: Greg Hastings Paintball 2
A game that is hands down terrible and should never be played anywhere any time. Nothing on earth could make it playable.
I don’t know of any nor do I want to!

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